Reconnect to your magic...

If life has lost it's sparkle, energy healing can help. In-person & online sessions are available.




Imagine walking down the road feeling light and joyful.

Knowing that you can handle any problem with grace and stress simply bounces off you.

This is what life can be like with the help of Reiki. Reiki is a type of energy healing that can bring clarity, peace, increased energy and release you from limiting and repeating patterns.

Energy healing is just as effective online (known as distance or remote healing) as it is in-person. Once a month you'll find me at Erskineville for in-person sessions, or I'm also available online regularly. Distance sessions are recommended for children under 8 and the elderly/sick.

Visit the Reiki Frequently Asked Questions page on my main website to learn more about this amazing healing modality.

* Services can be in person or online/distance (note distance/remote session receive a $10 discount)

Book your spot




What would you like to explore today?

I offer a range of services such as:

  • Energy healing using Reiki & Light Language
  • Readings using Tarot & Oracle Cards
  • Holistic Creative Counselling/Spiritual Counselling
  • Online group events to allow you to access healing in an economical way
  • I also offer Reiki courses and can support you as a mentor or guide.


You can learn about any of these on my main website

Client Testimonials

What Carita's customers are saying about her

'I have struggled over the past two years with a persistent ankle injury. Numerous visits to the doctor, physiotherapist and chiropractor all showed no physical injury but I dealt with pain and lack of mobility on a daily basis. After my second session with Carita, something in my ankle had been released and I have not had a problem since. I now see Carita to maintain my physical and emotional health. She is caring, gentle and nurturing. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done for me.'


I have been seeing Carita for a few sessions of reiki healing and Angel Card readings and would highly recommend her as being a highly gifted healer and sensitive, intuitive person. In this time, I have gained so much and felt more at peace with things in my life. I have also taken several friends for their own sessions and they have all raved to me about their sessions.


I'd hurt my left knee a few years before and despite physiotherapy treatment, something still felt twisted and painful, and just wouldn't come right. About a year ago Carita worked on my knee with Reiki, during which I distinctly felt sensations inside the knee. After the session my knee felt different, like something had been released. In the next few weeks my knee returned to normal and painless functioning. I highly recommend Reiki with Carita.


We had been living in a house for about 6 months, when out of nowhere my son started crying that there were ghosts in my bedroom and refused to come into my room. The crying of ghosts in my room went on for weeks and he was terrified of my bedroom. Carita did a distance Reiki session on my son and the change was immediate. From that day on he has been calm, happy to go into my bedroom and has never mentioned ghosts.
